Auto Repair Service in Morgan Hill
362 Reviews

Review by Desrea S.

Desrea S.


I had a problem with the window not rolling up on my 2008 Volkswagen Beetle. I got a quote from Scott that I initially thought was sort of high for a window part. That is until I took it somewhere else where they quoted me double for the same part and wanted to charge a $200 diagnostic fee to confirm that it was indeed the problem. Apparently the door has to be taken apart which is complicated and takes a lot of time. I believe because you practically have to disassemble the entire car in order to change a headlight on the darn vehicle. I'm only exaggerating a tiny, tiny bit when I say that. That was when I realized that Scott had already done the diagnostics and didn't charge me anything for it. The quote he gave me for the part was more than fair. I took my car right back there and promised myself I would write a good review for them. I sort of forgot to do that until now. I just picked up my car again from Auto Solutions. My car overheated on the freeway and the engine was shot. Scott put in a used engine for me with quite a lot less miles on it than my old engine and at such a great price. This is an honest auto repair shop and an excellent one. My husband and I are so so happy we found it. We won't take our vehicles anywhere else. This place is a gem both inside and out. From Amanda in the front to Scott and all the guys in the back.

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